A Day In The Pink Life: Social Media Manager + Influencer in Downtown Toronto

Welcome to a day in my pink life! As a full-time Social Media Specialist and part-time Influencer/Blogger, every day is pretty jam-packed. I constantly put my time-management skills to use and make the most of each day while still making time for family, friends, and self-care.
I work from home 4/5 days a week. I go to the office once a week, usually on Wednesdays. 

Here's what a typical day looks like for me, especially working from home! 

Morning Routine

Get Dressed: I usually go super casual on work-from-home days, but for office days or any events, I curate an outfit based on the weather, my mood, and the vibe I'm going for. I'm talking pastel hues, feminine silhouettes, and a sprinkle of sequins for that extra touch of glam... but in pink, of course.

Skincare: Before diving into my corporate social media job, I indulge in my skincare routine. From cleansing and toning to moisturizing and applying SPF, each step is a pampering ritual that ensures my skin remains radiant and glowing. I've been currently loving the Cicaplast line by La Roche Posay.

Make My Bed: With my outfit chosen and skincare marinating, it's time to conquer the day, starting with a simple yet essential task: making my bed. There's something about a neatly made bed that sets the tone for productivity and accomplishment!

Breakfast: They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I never used to eat breakfast much, but I've been trying to incorporate it into my routine as much as possible. I typically have some yogurt and fruit or a bagel and eggs but in the photo, I'm eating pink strawberry frosted mini wheats. SO good, haha!

Meditation (Sometimes): On days when I crave tranquility amidst the hustle, I embrace the power of meditation. I take a few moments to center myself, clear my mind, and set positive intentions for the day ahead. I've been enjoying meditations from the Alo Moves app.

Start Work at 9:30: Now it's time to dive into my workday! I work full-time doing social media for a travel company. As someone who is not a morning person, I'm very fortunate to start my day a little later at "9-ish". 

Work Day Social Media Tasks:

Here are some basic routine tasks that I accomplish throughout my day as a Social Media Specialist for a travel company. 

Check All Emails/Messages: The morning begins with priority communications, both internally with my team, and externally if needed. I sift through my overflowing inbox and messages, responding to inquiries, and setting priorities for the day ahead.

Community Management: I devote at least 15-20 minutes of my morning to responding to comments and interacting with our community on all social platforms, specifically Instagram and Facebook. 

Content Calendar Planning: Organization is key in the fast-paced world of social media, which is why I meticulously plan my content calendar for 2-3 weeks ahead and create + schedule content 1-2 weeks in advance (or as much as possible). From selecting the best images to display our travel experiences offered, to captivating captions, and fun video edits, every post is strategically crafted to captivate and inspire our audience, keeping our strategy and KPIs in mind.

Content Creation: I typically create all posts on my own, but I hope to have more help from a video editor and graphic designer soon! Depending on the post, each one can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 5 hours. 

Proofreading: Attention to detail is crucial. At the end of the day, I am managing our social channels which are a huge part of our brand voice and identity. I dedicate time to meticulously proofread each post before it goes live. From typos to grammar errors and fact-checking, I do my best to stay on top of this and be as detail-oriented as possible. 

Attend Meetings: Collaboration is key in the ever-evolving landscape of social media, and I have the pleasure of updating our team as needed, having 1:1s with my manager, discussing and brainstorming new ideas, strategizing for future social campaigns, celebrating milestones, and much more. 

Setting up Meetings and Collaboration Sessions: In addition to attending meetings, I also take charge of setting them up, coordinating schedules, and ensuring that every collaboration session runs smoothly and efficiently. For example, meeting with various departments such as Sales, Product, Customer Service, etc. Sometimes they participate in different social activities such as fact-checking, post-writing, or video content. The videos are fun to make, as I provide them with a script and we film together to craft a social media video post!

Caption Writing: A picture may be worth a thousand words, but a captivating caption can elevate it to new heights. I craft engaging and relatable captions that resonate with our audience, sparking conversations and fostering connections.

Content Research: Staying ahead of the curve requires constant research and innovation. I scour the internet for the latest trends and social media strategies, always striving to deliver fresh and relevant content to our followers.

End Work Around 6 PM: As the sun begins to set on another productive day, I wrap up my 9-5 work day around 6 PM, and prepare for my last leg of the day!

After Work Routine

Time to Eat: After a day filled with creativity and productivity, it's time to indulge in a well-deserved meal. 

10-Minute Tidy: A tidy space is a happy space, which is why I devote 10 minutes to tidying up my apartment. From clearing clutter to organizing my workspace, this brief yet effective ritual ensures that order is restored and harmony is maintained (for the most part - haha!).

Emails: This is the beginning of my 5-9 (influencer/blogging/side hustle session. I respond to all email inquiries such as brand collaboration proposals, PR/gifting opportunities, and brand/agency event invites. 

Brand Events: If I have an event to attend, I'll typically wipe my entire 5-9 schedule so that I have time to get ready, commute, and attend the event I was invited to. There are so many cool parties I've been to, hosted by amazing brands such as NYX Cosmetics, Hubba Bubba, L'Oreal, PR agency gifting suites, and much, much more! I'm always so honored to get invited and they always provide such fun experiences filled with tons of pinch-me moments. If you want to know how to get invited to these kinds of things as well, check out my article here.

Content Planning and Editing: If I don't have anything going on for the evening, this is usually when I plan upcoming content, edit batched content, and post Instagram carousels, Reels, Stories, blog posts, and TikToks. I've also been trying to be more active on Pinterest lately, too! 

Evening Routine

Skincare: I always enjoy my nightly skincare routine, washing away the stresses of the day and nourishing it with serums, creams, and sometimes, a mask. I also love to shower at night and wash my hair every 2-3 days.

Journaling: Before going to sleep, I take a few moments to reflect and unwind through journaling. It helps me understand my thoughts, express gratitude, and set intentions for the next day. I also love to read sometimes, but I haven't been doing that lately.

I try to be in bed by 10:30 and asleep by 11, but I admit that doesn't always happen. I love working at night!

Do you do social media for work as well? Let me know what your day(s) look like in the comments below and if they're anything like this!

Thanks for reading today.

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