I've been "Adulting"

I don't usually get too personal here on MAK Style - it's a fun creative outlet for me to write about and take pictures of things I love. I share the occasional life update from time to time, but I don't get too into it. Today though, I am talking all about "adulting" and how I've been working through everything ever since I graduated from my fashion marketing program. It's been a real adjustment ever since I moved to the city to live on my own, but now that I am no longer a student - things feel even more real! Below I talk about each thing I've been dealing with ever since school ended and some tips for other recent grads!

Job Searching

The big question after you graduate is "so, what are you doing now?" When I first finished school (back in March) I worked part-time at a retail store in the mall, had an internship with one of my favourite Toronto bloggers, and was still working on everything MAK Style. I have always known what I wanted - and my goal was to find a more permanent full-time job in my field (marketing, social media, etc). Job searching is hard though - and can be discouraging. Thankfully, with much persistence and my eagerness to land a position - I interviewed and was offered a full-time position as Digital Marketing Coordinator with a small Toronto beauty brand. I am so excited to announce that I start this job on Monday (May 15th)!


Next up in the adulting category is budgeting - something that I have been doing ever since I moved to Toronto, but definitely focusing more on this now that school is over. I have been blessed with an adorable apartment, groceries in my fridge, and even some extra cash for lunches with friends and clothing along the way. I have to say though - it's very hard to manage it all! I am in charge of my own finances - and that can be a little intimidating. For me, I set certain amount in each category for each month so that I don't overspend. This has helped me out a lot to stay on track!

Eating Healthy

With all the stress of finishing school, looking for a job, and budgeting - eating healthy is so important. Two healthy snacks I've been loving lately are these Iögo yogurts and brazil nuts. 

Iögo Proteine yogurt offers a convenient and healthy afternoon boost with a filling 125g cup with 10g of protein. They come in four flavours (Chocolate, Black Cherry, Key Lime and Vanilla) and are available at select major grocery stores. I am all about that #iogopowerhour lately! The black cherry one is delicious. 

Brazil nuts are another healthy snack that I like to have everyday. Having even just two a day is a great source of selenium. Selenium helps promote a better immune system and also plays a key role in maintaining a healthy metabolism.

Social Life

After all of the to-do lists, emails to respond to, shifts to attend, etc - I still need to make time for friends and even family. I definitely don't see my family as much as I would like, since they are still in my hometown - but I am thankful to see my friends at least once a week. My friends are bloggers as well, so this is usually a very productive social day filled with shooting photos, taking Instagram pictures, lots of laughs, and catching up.


As I get a hang of this whole "adulting" thing - I have to say that staying organized, writing lists, and prioritizing my time has been what's helped me the most. To see what I do to stay organized - read my post here

In all, adulting isn't all that bad, and it's made me become an even more independent individual. 

Thanks for reading today!

1 comment :

  1. I love this post! Honestly, the transition into becoming more of an adult is one of those things I feel like gets glossed over in life. I just turned 23 and I feel like suddenly there's so much I'm expected to know that I was never taught... whew! Getting shit together can be exhausting eh? Glad to see someone else trying to get on top of it too!
